SEO Content: Serene Dreams

Created SEO-driven content to achieve #1 ranking for targeted keywords

Serene Dreams
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Project Overview

As a freelance copywriter, I supported a small B2C business with SEO-driven blog content.

• Researched, wrote, and published original content for Wordpress website

• Achieved first-page search engine rankings for multiple targeted keywords

• Applied academic rigor (i.e. citing peer-reviewed studies) to an industry that's frequently rife with pseudo-science and misinformation

Much of my work can still be found on the Serene Dreams website, with a few specific examples featured below.

Target keyword: Float therapy for ADHD

Page 1, position 1
Float therapy for ADHD

Target keyword: Float therapy for lucid dreaming

Page 1, position zero

Latest Works

Ebook: SheerID's Identity Marketing for Publishers

Research-driven ebook explaining how SheerID helps publishers reach new customers

Case Study: Blinkist for Monte Carlo

Long-form customer story highlighting the business impact of Monte Carlo

Blog: ZoomCare's "Flu, Cold, or Covid?"

Scientifically sound yet reader-friendly blog post on COVID-19 symptoms